Get there

How to get there

The Stadium Area is well connected to the public transport. You have different options to get there:

  • If you start at the Main Railway Sta­ti­on, take the S-Bahn S2 to »Altdorf«. Exit at »Nürn­berg Frankenstadion«. It’s the closest sta­ti­on to the Stadium and the Arena
  • If you take the underground U1, please exit at »Bauernfeindstraße«. From there it's a 20 mi­nu­te walk to the Stadium. Just follow the signposts.
  • The tram lines 6 8 run to the northern part of the area. The stops are »Doku-Zentrum« and »Dutz­end­teich« (also 10). From there it’s a 15 mi­nu­tes walk to the Stadium.
  • Busses 44 (sta­ti­on Hans-Kalb-Straße), 55 (sta­ti­on Max-Grundig-Platz), 65 (sta­ti­on Dutz­end­teich)
Karte Stadion Arena Dutz­end­teich – Stand: De­zem­ber 2023



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