Get around

How to get around

The underground line U2 directly connects the Airport with the main railway sta­ti­on and the city centre. Al­ter­na­ti­vely you can take the bus line 30 or 33 to Am Wegfeld. The night busN12 ensures a connection on Friday nights, Saturday nights and the nights before public holidays.

Underground lines Nuremberg – Nurembergs’ underground lines at a glance

From Airport to City Center:

Take the U2. After arriving at the main sta­ti­on, change to U1 train (direction: Fürth Hardhöhe). Leave the train at »Lorenzkirche« or »Weißer Turm«. (Price level A)

From Airport to Exhibition Center:

Change underground lines at main sta­ti­on (»Haupt­bahn­hof«). The U1 line (to »Langwasser Süd«) will bring you to the trade fair in about 20 mi­nu­tes.  (Price level A)


Nürn­berg Flug­ha­fen
To Albrecht Dürer Airport Nuremberg
Nürn­berg Flug­ha­fen
From Albrecht Dürer Airport Nuremberg
U-Bahn U2
Röthenbach - Plärrer - Haupt­bahn­hof - Flug­ha­fen
Buslinie 30
Nürn­berg Nordostbahn­hof - Flug­ha­fen - Am Wegfeld - Erlangen Arcaden - Haupt­bahn­hof - Hugenottenplatz
Buslinie 33
Nürn­berg Flug­ha­fen - Almoshof - Am Wegfeld - Buch - Höfles - Fürth Rathaus - Fürth Haupt­bahn­hof
Buslinie N12
Haupt­bahn­hof - Maxfeld - Flug­ha­fen



Schienennetz Nürn­berg-Fürth – Gültig ab 15.12.2024 - Stand: De­zem­ber 2024

Tickets & fares

Tickets & fares

  • Nürn­berg-Fürth-Stein Area (incl. Airport), Price level A
  • Entire VGN Area, price level 10
  • All fares: Check price level by entering the starting point and destination in our timetable. The price level and all available tickets will be displayed. Just click »fare zone«.
  • Free travel with your airline ticket: please consider the leaflet issued with your airline ticket for more details.

Buy Tickets at the Airport:


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