Fact sheet

Fact sheet

Information about the hiking tour

Topic Aussichtspunkte, Winterwanderung, Hüttentour
Area Fichtelgebirge
Lines 369
Distance ca. 11 km
Duration ca. 4 hrs.
Level many stop offs


Elevation in meters, Distance in km
Information about the hiking tour

GPS-Track Download

GPX / Garmin Tour.gpx
Google Earth Tour.kml



We can take you to the top of the "Ochsenkopf" (1024m | Webcam) and Franconia's highest restaurant (Asenturm). Some signposts are hidden by the snow so we strongly recommend downloading our GPS-Track.

Our hike starts in Bischofsgrün, bus stop „Rathaus“ 329. First follow the "Jägerstraße", Tourist In­for­ma­ti­on and public toilets on the right. Continue along the "Forstgasse" which ends in a small path. Follow this path to the next crossroad "Ochsenkopfstraße", turn right. A yellow signpost, which takes you to the top, starts at "Park­platz Vogelherd". There are additional signposts: Fränkischer Gebirgsweg and weiß blau. At the top you have two options to continue.

Aufstieg - der gelben Markierung folgen (EN) (VGN © VGN GmbH)

Option 1 (6,5 km):

Yellow signpost „Winterwan­der­weg Ochsenkopf-Fleckl“.

Walk downwards (about 45 mi­nu­tes) till you reach a road (Kreisstraße BT 4). Turn left into "Bleaml Alm" or turn right and continue to "Fleckl" (yellow or blue signpost). You'll arrive at the bus stop „Seilschwebebahn Süd“ 369 another 45 mi­nu­tes later.

Option 2 (8,6 km):

Depending on the depth of the snow, this tour might be not accessible.

Your first signpost Fränkischer Gebirgsweg (=Frän­kischer Gebirgsweg) guides you on the way down to the Fichtelsee. At the Fichtelsee (Waldhotel) your signpost changes: Please follow  weißes Kreuz auf Blau to Fichtelberg. At Fichtelberg follow the "Schneebergstraße". Turn right at "Jahnstraße". Pass the church. At the crossroads turn left to the bus stop "Bus­bahn­hof". Line 369takes you back to Weidenberg R32.



Wan­der­kar­te "Ochsenkopf rauf, Ochsenkopf runter" – Bischofsgrün – Ochsenkopfgipfel (Asenturm) – Fichtelberg – (Fleckl)
Karte "Winter im Fich­tel­ge­bir­ge"

Getting there

Getting there

Go to Bayreuth by R3 trains. Continue with bus 329 to Bischofsgün (Please mind that the bus stop "Bayreuth Hbf. Tunnelstraße" is located on the back side of the train sta­ti­on). The time of travel is approx. 2 hours (when starting in Nürn­berg). VGN-Ticket recommendation: All day ticket plus (»TagesTicket Plus«).

Bischofsgrün Rathaus
Starting point
Fleckl Seilschwebebahn Süd
Return Option 1
Fichtelberg Bus­bahn­hof
Return Option 2

Food and Drinks

Food and Drinks

Please ask for current opening hours!

Waldhotel am Fichtelsee

Am Fichtelsee 1
95686 Fichtelberg
Phone: 09272 96400-0

Asenturm-Tagesgaststätte Ochsenkopf

Eichenweg 33
95686 Fichtelberg (Ochsenkopfgipfel)
Phone: 09276 252
Ruhetag: Mon­tag (außer bei Skibetrieb)

Wirtshaus zur Bleaml-Alm

Heinz Brunner Weg 1
95686 Fichtelberg / Neubau
Phone: 09272 9655460
Ruhe­tage/Öffn­ungs­zeiten entnehmen Sie bitte der In­ter­net­sei­te


Der Frei­zeittipp in Bildern


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