Tickets and prices

Get around Nürn­berg-Fürth-Stein. Price level A.

Period of validityTicketsPersonsPreis­stufe A
1 rideSingle ticketPrice as printed or mobile ticket1 adult3,25 €
1 child / bike1,62 €
Single ticketPrice at vending machines, driving staff and points of sale1 adult3,70 €
1 child / bike1,80 €
4 rides4-trip ticket1 adult13,00 €
1 child / bike6,50 €
1 day or weekendAll day ticket solo1 pax9,70 €
All day ticket plus1–6**14,30 €
7 days7-day MobiCard1–6**31,00 €
31 days9 a.m. MobiCard1–6**86,30 €
31-day MobiCard1–6**105,50 €
31-day ticket1 pax94,10 €
12 months9 a.m. Annual ticket1 pax44,20 €*
Annual ticket1 pax72,20 €*
Annual ticket plus1–6**79,10 €*
1 calendar week (monday to sunday)Weekly ticket for trainees, pupils and students1 pax23,70 €
1 calendar monthMonthly ticket for trainees, pupils and students1 pax70,80 €

Updated: 1.1.2024
Prices in €, incl. VAT.
* Price per month
** up to 5 additional per­sons (altogether max. 2 of them 18 years of age or older)

Buy tickets

Where to buy your ticket

Service Centres in Nürn­berg

DB Reisezentrum Nürn­berg

Bahn­hofsplatz 9
90443 Nürn­berg
Mo-Fr: 7:00-20:00 Uhr
Sa u. So: 8:00-18:00 Uhr

U-Bahn Ver­teiler­ge­schoss

Hal­te­stel­le Haupt­bahn­hof
90402 Nürn­berg
Mo-Fr: 7:00-19:00 Uhr
Sa: 9:00-14:00 Uhr



All trains and buses:

Li­ni­en­netz Nürn­berg-Fürth – Gültig ab 15.12.2024 - Stand: De­zem­ber 2024

All trains:


Important routes

S-Bahn S1
Bam­berg - Erlangen - Fürth - Nürn­berg - Feucht - Neumarkt (OPf)
S-Bahn S2
Roth - Schwabach - Nürn­berg - Lauf (li Pegn) - Hers­bruck (li Pegn) - Hartmannshof
U-Bahn U1
Fürth Hardhöhe - Nürn­berg Plärrer - Haupt­bahn­hof - Langwasser Süd
U-Bahn U2
Röthenbach - Plärrer - Haupt­bahn­hof - Flug­ha­fen
U-Bahn U3
Großreuth bei Schweinau - Plärrer - Haupt­bahn­hof - Nordwestring


If you need help

DB Regio AG

DB Regio AG
Regio Bayern

Hinterm Bahn­hof 33
90459 Nürn­berg
Phone: 089 20355000
VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft

VAG Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft

90338 Nürn­berg
Phone: 0911 283-4646
Fax: 0911 283-4800



Its almost thousand years of history are still obvious in its cityscape.
Getting around Nürn­berg
(© Werbeatelier Kolvenbach-Post)


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